Who we are

Every Moroccan student should have the chance to graduate with 21st century problem-solving and reasoning skills he /she needs for the workplace. Let’s use the challenges COVID-19 pandemic presents on our education system as opportunities to revolutionize student education in Morocco.

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Start empowering your students with NETedu


NETeducation will make your school’s journey to modern education simple. From setting your personal school domain through to the embedding of G Suite for Education into your school.

We offer a comprehensive set of services, including setup, training and support to help give your staff the skills and confidence they need.

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Why Google for Education

As teachers, we understand the importance of teaching basic skills like reading, writing, and math. But if we provide students with only the basics, then they will suffer from a huge gap in the knowledge and skills they need to function well in twenty-first-century workplaces. In order to be effective citizens, workers, and leaders in society, students also need practice with critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and working creatively.

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